Performing Scientific Research (NYT)

Students learn how to perform scientific research to improve the outcome of their final thesis or dissertation research.

The course is aimed at Bachelor and Master students who want to understand the process of science and write a scientific final thesis. It is also suitable to Ph.D. students who are looking to catch up.

Overview (pre-2022, discontinued)

For the most recent version see Uni1.

C01What is science?60min.
C02Scientific research60min.
C03Qualitative data analysis60min.
C04Literature reviews60min.
C05Theory building60min.
C06Qualitative surveys60min.
C07Action research60min.
C08Case study research60min.
C09Theory validation60min.
C10Survey research60min.
C11Controlled experiments60min.
C12Academic writing60min.
C13Academic publishing60min.


Class quizzes and other materials are available to colleagues.


Unless specified otherwise, the NYT course materials are licensed under the CreativeCommons CC BY 4.0 International license.


  1. […] line of thinking reminded me of Nailing your Thesis (NYT), the research class I teach. There, I use the rigor vs. relevance debate to explain to […]