Category: 1. Research

  • Upcoming talks in April and May 2023

    Upcoming talks in April and May 2023

    I’ll be holding the following public (free) and commercial (closed) talks and seminars in the upcoming weeks. 2023-04-20: User-led open source projects and country-level competitiveness at Fraunhofer FOKUS. 2023-04-21: Streamlining open source license compliance (our commercial seminar, through Bayave GmbH). 2023-04-24: Open-source software and sustainability (in German most likely) at the TUM Digital Sustainability lecture…

  • How to acknowledge the use of copyediting services

    How to acknowledge the use of copyediting services

    I looked around research papers and did not find any acknowledgments of copyediting services used. Even before Grammarly and ChatGPT, authors have used human editors, and apparently this was not worth mentioning? This seems unfair to me and may have to change in the age of chat AIs. How about this template for the acknowledgments…

  • Demonstration that Chat GPT is human

    Demonstration that Chat GPT is human

    Or stupid. Probably both. Enough anthropomorphizing already.

  • Activities vs. phases

    Activities vs. phases

    Clarity in writing is essential for successful scientific communication. A pet peeve of mine is the confusion between activity and phase, when discussing about any process, but specifically research processes based on design science. An activity is something that you do. You applied a method. You searched the web. You went for a walk. A…

  • To review or not to review

    To review or not to review

    I previously reported about a bogus review for a journal submission of ours. The submission had been rejected partly or fully based on a review that obviously had nothing to do with our paper but must have been reused from before. I had complained to the editor, but I had not got any answers for…

  • Creating a ROS 2 distribution (upcoming talk)

    Creating a ROS 2 distribution (upcoming talk)

    I’ll be giving a (somewhat unusual) talk about a new project I’m interested in. The talk will be held at UCSC (California Bay Area) second week of January and UQAM (Montreal) third week of January. HMU for details if you are are interested. Abstract: The Robot Operating System (now ROS 2) is an open source…