Tag: Humor
O RLY? LaTeX beautiful typesetting
Too (professionally) funny not to share it.
The reviews are in and it ain’t pretty
From the first review: Best application of grounded theory that I have seen in a long time! From the second review: I have seen grounded theory; this ain’t it. From the third review: What is grounded theory? Conclusion: No more grounded theory. PS: Those reviews are a synthesis of prior experiences.
One student’s first encounter with academic writing
Non sequitur #DesignPatternsHumor
A colleague earlier today showed me this student answer from one of his exams: The student answer for “name a design pattern” is “hotel” and the answer for “that pattern’s intent” is “book hotel”. Repeat for a second pattern called “flight” and its intent “book flight”.
Bertrand Meyer: Electrical engineering vs. computer science
Bertrand Meyer, at the 40 Years of Software Engineering panel at ICSE 2008, on May 16, 2008, 11:56am: “Electrical engineering is to computer science what making a bed is to making love.” I’m not entirely sure this is true, but it certainly makes for a memorable quote. UPDATE: I had mentioned my enjoyment of this…