Tag: In German

  • MECE translated: Überlappungsfrei und erschöpfend

    MECE translated: Überlappungsfrei und erschöpfend

    When teaching about modeling the world, I often talk about how concepts should be MECE, that is, mutually exclusive and completely exhaustive. I didn’t invent this acronym, I took it from Barbara Minto’s writings about structured reasoning. I finally figured out the appropriate German translation, and, oh wonder, it is shorter than the English version.…

  • Das Uni1 Projektkonzept (2016)

    Das Uni1 Projektkonzept (2016)

    Abstract: Die­ses Pro­jekt­kon­zept schil­dert, wie Hoch­schu­len mit Unter­neh­men Pro­jekte mit Stu­die­ren­den zu beid­sei­ti­gem Gewinn durch­füh­ren kön­nen. Unter­neh­men pro­fi­tie­ren durch Recruit­ing, Out­sour­cing und Inno­va­tion („ROI“), wel­che sich durch die Pro­jekte erge­ben. Hoch­schu­len gewin­nen neue Part­ner, ver­die­nen an den Pro­jek­ten und bie­ten attrak­ti­vere Lehre. Keywords: Industrie-Hochschul-Kooperation, Forschungstransfer, Geschäftsmodell, Lehre Reference: Dirk Riehle. “Das Uni1 Projektkonzept (2016).” Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,…

  • Research, teaching, and startup concept of my professorship (in German)

    Research, teaching, and startup concept of my professorship (in German)

    Over on my research group’s blog at Friedrich-Alexander University I finished summarizing the underlying concepts for the three cornerstones of my professorship: The research concept The teaching concept The start-up concept I wrote it in German, as this is reaches the target group best; as always, Google Translate is your friend, and if you are…

  • Upcoming talk: Open source in university projects (in German)

    Upcoming talk: Open source in university projects (in German)

    I’ll be giving a talk on open source strategies for university projects: How to set-up student projects for start-ups and how to organize research projects using open source for the common good. The talk is in German and will be held at the Johannes Kepler Universität (of Linz, Austria). The talk will take place on…